Makos Player Profile - Alex Ainley

Makos Player profile Alex AinleyName: Alex Ainley
Age: 29
Position: Lock
Club: Wanderers
Makos #: 19
Makos Caps: 55

At what age and at what position did you first play rugby?
I began at age 4 and I played hooker. I was a big lad and had to play up a few age grades.

Who was your biggest influence to become a better rugby player?
My dad. He attends every game he can and always has “helpful” criticism.

When did you realise you might be any good at the rugby?
I still haven’t come to this realisation.

Who has been your biggest influence on life away from the game?
My wife Michelle. She runs a tight ship at home which allows me to work and play footy. She has always pushed my rugby and been happy following me overseas to play.

Who in the Makos gives you the biggest grief and why?
Robbie Malneek. He’s the oldest in the team but keeps insisting that I am.

Who do you like to give grief to and why?
Martyn Vercoe, our team manager. Someone has to keep him on his toes and it might as well be me.

Name any player in world rugby who you would most like to be like and why?
Sebastien Chabal, he’s one mean son of a gun.

What is the one thing that people don’t know about you?
I was born in Auckland (don’t tell anyone!) and all of mum’s side of the family come from Kaikoura.


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