Makos Player Profile - Bryce Heem

Bryce Heem Makos Profile PlayerName: Bryce Heem
Age: 25
Position: Wing
Club: Waitohi & NZ Sevens
Makos #: 102
Makos Caps: 20

At what age and at what position did you first play rugby?
I began at age 8 and I played Centre.

Who was your biggest influence to become a better rugby player?
My dad Ian. He was a good footy player and I used to enjoy watching him play when I was a kid.

When did you realise you might be any good at the rugby?
I was 12 years old and played in the Roller Mills tournament.

Who has been your biggest influence on life away from the game?
My mum Anne and dad Ian. They have supported me by always being there for me and encouraging me to do well.

Who in the Makos gives you the biggest grief and why?
Currently I live with Jesse MacDonald and Vernon Fredericks so it’s fair to say I cop it from them the most.

Who do you like to give grief to and why?
Our winger Mitchell Scott is easy to wind up so I like to dish it out to him. Plus I’m the much better looking winger than him.

Name any player in world rugby who you would most like to be like and why?
Ciua Halanukonuka, our prop, because he scores match winning tries at the last minute.

What is the one thing that people don’t know about you?
Whenever I receive a playing jersey, whether it’s the Makos or NZ Sevens, I like to fold it and place it on my knees while I think about my family.


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