OPINION: Taranaki’s ‘bully boy’ tactics unable to intimidate Mako

OPINION:Taranaki’s ‘bully boy’ tactics unable to intimidate Mako 


By Peter Jones[Marlborough App]


At halftime in Sunday’s Tasman v Taranaki match-up at the Bullringin New Plymouth one of the ‘Naki coaching staff let slip that the home side hadtalked before the game of “being the bully”. 

And it was clear from the outset that the Amber and Blacks, renownedfor their uncompromising forward play, were intent on “bullying” theirhigh-flying opponents from the top of the south.  

To some extent it worked, Taranaki bringing early intensity at thebreakdown and ferocity in defence.

However, that sort of effort takes its tolland, if their rivals are patient, as Tasman generally were, they can absorb thepressure and find other ways to unlock the defence. 

Mitchell Hunt’s pinpoint cross kicks created two superbly-executedMako tries, the other pair of touchdowns coming through relentlessclose-quarter play, achieved when the opposition were fatigued from tacklingthemselves into the ground.  

When the final whistle sounded there was only one “bully” leftstanding tall at Yarrow Stadium. 

There is plenty to like about this Mako side, who now lead thepremiership by five points. One is their ability to adapt the way they attackto what their opposition bring, another is their willingness to use the ballfrom all areas of the ground, and at a pace that very few teams can live with. 

With this approach, mistakes are bound to occur. After all bodiesare moving onto the ball at maximum speed and close to the tackle line.  

That’s where the other integral part of the Mako game comes in.Their defence is well-organised, desperate and hard-hitting. And that occursright across the park, making them a tough proposition to tip over, as agallant but ultimately out-gunned Taranaki side found out. 

Tasman co-head coach Andrew Goodman said his side knew the homeside were going to bring a physical approach to the table. 

“We could probably have adjusted a little earlier with our bodyheight … but when we got that right we got some good go-forward ball and wereable to exploit a bit of space. 

“They were definitely strong around the breakdown area, threw somenumbers in and slowed out ball down.”  

Goodman felt the physicality of the match, and the way they haddealt with it would benefit the Mako going into their next match, againstCounties Manukau, another team renowned for their robust approach, on Friday. 

“[This game’s] given us some areas we need to tidy up before thenso we can get the speed of ball that we like to play with.” 

With a short turnaround before the Mako’s next game, recovery isparamount and injuries, especially in key positions, can slow momentum. Goodmansaid immediately after the match he hadn’t ascertained the extent of the knockto prop Tyrel Lomax that saw him leave the field early in the first half. 

“Fingers crossed he’s not too bad, but it was great to see Crocky[Wyatt Crockett] get through 40 on his return to play and it seems everyoneelse got through pretty well although there will be some sore bodies nodoubt.”  

A major plus for the Mako on Sunday came at lineout time wherethey stole a high percentage of their rival’s throws, curtailing theirattacking ambitions. 

“The boys have done a lot of hard work on our lineout defence,”said Goodman, “it’s always rewarding when something like that pays off.” 

Another feature of Tasman’s efforts so far has been the positiveway they have approached all aspects of the game, taking the opportunity toexpress themselves in what Goodman describes as “the Mako way”. 

After picking up maximum points from probably their toughestexamination of the current campaign, sorry about that Canterbury, it seems thatis definitely the right way to go.    


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